ChessMaster 2100 GS 

> I've seen patches to remove the annoying "Password" copy protection from 
> The ChessMaster 2100 for the GS. Unfortunately, they are all for version 
> 1.1, and I have 1.01. Has anyone seen a similar patch for the earlier 
> version?

Here you go. I always knew this huge collection of Apple II cracks would come
in handy.

ChessMaster 2100 GS from The Software Toolworks
by  Brian A. Troha
512K Apple //GS
3.5" Disk copier
3.5" Disk editor
  The following edits will completly remove the log-on/manual check type copy
protection used on ChessMaster 2100 GS:
1.  Make a copy of the game disk (disk #1)
2.  Make the following edits to the copy only (by version):
For version 1.01:
Block $4E5:
  byte  $2C  from  22     to  AF
  byte  $61  from  D0 08  to  EA EA
  byte  $C5  from  22     to  AF
  byte $118  from  D0 08  to  EA EA
  byte $185  from  22     to  AF
  byte $1D8  from  D0 08  to  EA EA
For version 1.1
Block $304
  byte $1EB  from  22     to  AF
Block $305
  byte  $20  from  D0 08  to  EA EA
  byte  $84  from  22     to  AF
  byte  $D7  from  D0 08  to  EA EA
  byte $144  from  22     to  AF
  byte $197  from  D0 08  to  EA EA
3.  Write the blocks back the copy
4.  Store your originals in a safe place (and the manual to!)
5.  Play a game of chess & enjoy the absence of the copy protection

David C. Scott (Captain Harlock)