From: (David E A Wilson)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2
Subject: Re: Dvorak keyboard an IIe? Possible?
Date: 13 Feb 1995 10:00:14 +1100
Organization: University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <3hm3tu$>
References: <3hdh82$>
NNTP-Posting-Host: (Greg R. Achenbach) writes:
>I've been using IIc's, IIc+'s, and IIgs's for a while and have switched 
>over to the Dvorak keyboard layout.  I recently started working with a 
>IIe and am getting really frustrated by the Qwerty hunt-and-peck.  Is 
>there any way to switch the IIe keyboard to Dvorak?--

There are a number of ways to set the NTSC //e keyboard to Dvorak.

1)	If you have a Rev A motherboard cut X1 and join X2. This will allow
	AN2 to control the keyboard layout (default will be Dvorak).

2)	If you have a Rev B motherboard and want AN2 to control the keyboard
	layout cut X2 and solder a short wire between the back half of X2 and
	the back half of X3 (do not join X3).

3)	Obtain a 24 pin IC socket. Solder 3 fine wires to pins 12, 19 and 24.
	Solder the other ends to a SPDT switch (pin 19 to the centre/common
	terminal). Remove the keyboard ROM, insert the switch+socket and then
	insert the keyboard ROM. Cut X1 (if Rev A) or X2 (if Rev B) to isolate
	pin 19. Mount the switch somewhere convenient.

All the above was taken from "Understanding the Apple IIe" by Jim Sather.
I recommend it to you.
David Wilson	Dept CompSci Uni Wollongong Australia