Name:	Apple SSC
Type:	Super Serial Card

Short description:
	The SSC gives the Apple ][ a serial port (RS232). Up to
	19200 baud are possible. Full handshake is supported.

	The card plugs into Slot 1, 2 or 3 of the Apple. Slot 1 is
	usually for a serial printer (Imagewriter), Slot 2 for a
	modem and Slot 3 for a terminal.
	The DB25 connector goes to the printer/modem/terminal line,
	the 10-pin connector on the other side of the cable goes
	into the cable socket at the rear side of the card.

Jumper settings:
	The card has two jumpers and a additional jumper block.
	The jumper block can be installed two ways:
		1) Arrow pointing towards the word TERMINAL
		2) Arrow pointing towards the word MODEM
	Jumpered as MODEM, it will wire thru, jumpered as TERMINAL,
	it will twist 2-3, 4-5 and 6-20 (called null modem).
	The jumper switches are called SW1 and SW2, the switches
	are numbered SW1-1 to SW1-7 and SW2-1 to SW2-7 from left
	to right.
		SW1-1	SW1-2	SW1-3	SW1-4
		off	off	off	off	19200 baud
		off	off	off	on	9600 baud
		off	off	on	off	7200 baud
		off	off	on	on	4800 baud
		off	on	off	off	3600 baud
		off	on	off	on	2400 baud
		off	on	on	off	1800 baud
		off	on	on	on	1200 baud
		on	off	off	off	600 baud
		on	off	off	on	300 baud
		on	off	on	off	150 baud
		on	off	on	on	135 baud
		on	on	off	off	110 baud
		on	on	off	on	75 baud
		on	on	on	off	50 baud

		SW2-1 off	2 stopbits
		SW2-1 on	1 stopbit

		SW2-2 off	no delay on carriage return
		SW2-2 on	1/4 sec delay

		SW2-3	SW2-4
		off	off	132 chars/line, apple screen off
		off	on	80 chars/line, apple screen off
		on	off	72 chars/line, apple screen off
		on	on	40 chars/line, apple screen on

		SW2-5 off	no line feed after carrigae return
		SW2-5 on	line feed

		SW2-6 off	ignore interrupts
		SW2-6 on	generate interrupts

		SW1-7 on and SW2-7 off	pin 4 or 20 (clear to send)
		SW1-7 off and SW2-7 on	in 19 (secondary clear to send)

Register settings of the ACIA:

Memory locations used: