If someone cannot be bothered to learn how to solder their own microcontroller, do they deserve to be allowed on Gemini? Methinks not and so maybe I should excommunicate myself. There is a lot of tosh around in the Gemini tubes at the moment about who is allowed to participate. I'll get my popcorn, if I can find it under all the half abandoned projects on my desk
2 years ago 路 馃憤 kensanata, kevinsan, lykso
I think that if Gemini is interesting to one, one ought to be here. If a community *using* a protocol wants to be gated, they're welcome to erect whatever barriers they like. Protocols and the communities using those protocols are separate things.
That said, I really do think gemtext is constrained enough that it won't ever be interesting to the "snapchat/tiktok" crowd absent a desire to move *away* from the "maximalist" ethos. I would be surprised if Gemini came to resemble the Web simply because the Web was *always* the expression of a maximalist/unbounded-growth mindset. Gemini is not. 路 2 years ago
I do like that current Gemini is mostly a relatively small group of tech enthusiasts, but I don't really see the harm in it becoming more accessible to everyone, as it would only help bring more content (varied, at that) and given the protocol is designed from the ground up not to be abused and become a bloated mess this point is a non-issue in my mind. 路 2 years ago
I think if you can figure out how to get on Gemini, you deserve to be on Gemini. That keeps out the snapchat/tiktok crowd but still lets most nerdy folk on. 路 2 years ago
Hopefully it will not take too long for you to get the popcorn... Remember, Gemini was just a transition on the human spaceflight program. Soon it will be time for Apollo. ;) (I wonder if Armstrong was much of a soldering kind of guy?) 路 2 years ago
Having soldered my own microcontroller, I'm alright Jack! 路 2 years ago