馃懡 gwenprime

I've just realized I lost my very first minecraft save that I had managed to hold onto for 10 years. I'mstrangely very upset about this.

RIP World2

2 years ago 路 馃憤 bronzie_beat


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5 Replies

馃懡 gwenprime

In reply:

I deleted World1 after 5 minutes because i didnt understand the game

I was like 16-17 when I made it so it's not like I lost my childhood stuffed animals but still feel a strange attachment to it. I liked to go visit there from time to time and see what I thought was fun and interesting.

and lastly I'm *usually* much better at backups. I thought I had copied that from my old harddrive to my nextcloud but clearly I did not 馃槄馃槄馃槄馃槄馃槄馃槄 路 2 years ago

馃懡 smokey

I also know the feeling, ill assume your experience is similar to mine in that you were young when making it. MC worlds are convinent little things to revisit which offer nostaliga to a earlier part of life they came from. Thats kind of how it was with me, only i intentially destroyed them after so many years. I did so when i realised that the younger kid version of me who truly loved those world was long gone, and had been for years. I was only hanging on to them because i had already held onto them for so long. Its healthy to realize the past is gone and to let go of it. Fortunately, you can still keep the memories, and thats whats really important. 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

I know that feeling. I get nostalgic in old worlds, particularly ones I played with my son when he was much smaller. I even get pangs writing this! It's weird. 路 2 years ago

馃懡 thatsredadcted

A good lesson about backups :'( 路 2 years ago

馃懡 tskaalgard

What happened to World1? 路 2 years ago