Stinky chanboard neets who judge you from their neckbeard nests while wallowing in their own filth are a particular kind of repugnant. I'd be okay with it if they stopped existing.
9 months ago 路 馃憤 johano
Their opinion doesn鈥檛 matter. The internet hate machine is fickle and stupid, don鈥檛 worry lol 路 9 months ago
I've, obviously, been lurking for a long time. I love imageboards, but, it's true that they attarct a lot of fuck heads. I've just learned to not care what they think about me. This is especially true if they exude basment dwelling charactaristics. 路 9 months ago
I see, do not have time for these stuff...
Thanks for explaining me... 路 9 months ago
@freezr 4chan started it all back in 2003. I enjoy chanboards in concept but they tend to attract certain kinds of chronically depressed, bitter losers. Also as an FYI, NEET = Not in Education, Employment or Training. They often pride themselves on this status. 路 9 months ago
@freezr chans are imageboards like 4chan, 2chan, 8kun, they act as anonymous fourms for users to post on. 路 9 months ago
Sorry for being old... 馃懘
What is it a "chanboard"?
馃槄 路 9 months ago
NEET with anime catgirl pfp: Yeah, well, you have sex and spend less time online than I do, so gotcha 路 9 months ago