๐Ÿ‘ฝ danrl

You can not find peace by avoiding life. But you can live a more peaceful life by avoiding certain things in life. For me, one of those things I needed less of was caffeine. I was addicted to it, drank enourmous amounts of coffee each day. Then I stopped, and my life became more peaceful. Better sleep, fewer highs and fewer lows, less scouting for the next shot and more relaxation in my breaks. Nowadays I drink coffee on rare occasions, e.g. when I unexpectedly have to drive at night. I needed less caffeine. What do you need less of? How could less enrich your life and peace?

10 months ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ superfxchip, crusom, bavarianbarbarian


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2 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ bavarianbarbarian

I quit drinking caffeine about 2 or 3 years ago, now my heartbeat raises into hell when I drink just one cup. And for the sake of Odin, I quit doing drugs. I quit for my own without any help, I realized this is bullshit. It fucked up my sleep, so i have to take medicine to get 'healthy' sleep, but all in all i am clean for years now. Still drinking beer and smoking some cigs a day, but nothing compared to earlier ages, where i was drinking a bottle of liq and smoking 2 packs a day. Not even talking about the amount of drugs I used. Better life now i moved to back where I came from, leaving the city and sitting in the outback with my cat. cheers. ยท 10 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ superfxchip

I've been slowly using mainstream socials less, opting instead for lo-fi smolnet options like this or spacehey, with gr8 success. So much more interesting things to find surfing organically, like w this post. :p cheers! ยท 10 months ago