my wife spent a day in our little redwood grove in a hammock. she had a stressful week, too. welcome relaxation. at the end of the day she didn’t want to leave. nature is surprisingly powerful in calming is down. now we need to build a small shed or cabin in the clearing to be able to stay late some days. keeping mountain lions and other nocturnal wildlife apart from us. i am a bit scared of those. the country i grew up in wasn’t home to dangerous animals.
7 months ago · 👍 lykso, astroseneca, enceladus, zero, astromech, tskaalgard, miffy
Do it! · 7 months ago
That sounds awesome! I live vicariously through the people I watch on the interwebs doing such things; for the time being I am chained to the city and apartment living. Just sounds so idilic · 7 months ago