馃懡 idx

Is there already an email-like gemini-only message service? if not, is there any interest for one? Would love to work on something like that, and try using LDPL as a backend processing language. Sounds fun tbh!

3 months ago


馃憢 Join Station

5 Replies

馃懡 tm85

@idx No unfortunately, it never really grew beyond a small group, and a while back the operator moved house 路 3 months ago

馃懡 idx

@danrl I was moreso thinking everything was done from Gemini pages - yes definitely TLS auth; but no external email clients or anything. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 danrl

sounds interesting. sending and receiving server should use tls for authentication and transport, with allowable certs listed in dns (plus dnssec?). would minimize fake messages.

a proof of work might be interesting as an optional challenge for servers sending a lot of messages or which are suspicious. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 idx

@tm85 what BBS? is it still around? 路 3 months ago

馃懡 tm85

I'd use this. Knew a BBS that had a mail system like this, and I feel it could translate to Gemini effortlessly 路 3 months ago