
These come from the leftovers or heels of the bread.

Bread Crumbs I

Cut these fairly large, dry in oven or dehydrator.

Cook the tomatos for a bit in some garlic salt. Add the garlic, sweet peas, butter, spices, cook those for a bit on high heat stirring, especially if the peas need to be unfrozen. Add the bread crumbs, cook until those are a bit soft. Drizzle in the vinegar, stir it around a bit, and serve.

Bread Crumbs II

Something for a breakfast.

Heat the above up for a bit, stirring. Dice shallots, crank the heat up, saute them in with the bread. Add two eggs, reduce heat, cook those for a bit (I was making this up as I went along). Add a goodly amount of sauerkraut, stir that in for not very long, move to bowl and consume.

Maybe something else?