I got my ancient Haiku system on Gemini!! It’s just browsing for now, as the WiFi card is way too unreliable for it to be a server.
1 week ago · 👍 drh3xx
@dhr3xx, yeah, it’s more like classic Mac OS than UNIX/Linux. My absolute favorite thing about it is the window management: right clicking a titletab or window frame to send it to the back is a feature that all windowmanagers should have. · 6 days ago
Nice! It's great that you've found a use for an old laptop like that. My only real issue with Haiku is its lack of security via a login. Boot it up and you're straight to the desktop; as it's single user there didn't seem much of a desire from the devs to change that from what I read. · 1 week ago
@drh3xx, I have it on this ancient laptop circa 2006, it’s got 2 Intel T2300 processors at 1.66 GHz and 2038Mibs of memory — right now I’m using it just for fun, maybe I’ll see if it’s useful in some respect for writing or serving files 🤷 · 1 week ago
Haiku is one of the systems I keep meaning to check out. What hardware are you running it on? Whatt else do you use it for? · 1 week ago