"Add USB To Your Electronics Projects! - The USB Protocol Explained"
Aditya Chaturvedi, "Open Data Access Bedrock of Sustainability"
Aileen Buckley, "Does every map need a north arrow and scale bar?"
Al Jazeera, "Prominent Sudanese singer Shaden Gardood killed in crossfire"
Andrew Ayer, "It's Now Possible To Sign Arbitrary Data With Your SSH Keys"
Andrew Whatson, "Introduction to Pre-Scheme"
Andy Wingo, "Whippet: A new production embeddable garbage collector"
"An honest discussion with organic maps developers"
"Animal Sex Determination Is Weirder Than You Think"
Arun Isaac, "tissue—the minimalist git+plain text issue tracker"
"Assembly Language Programming with ARM – Full Tutorial for Beginners"
Beau of the Fifth Column, "Let's talk about toxic masculinity and men's movements...."
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, "Who Am I?"
Blaine Cook, "The Name Name Service"
Boris Budini, "Breaking away from Big Tech"
Boundo, "Fascism in Black Metal and How to Spot It"
"Building the fastest Lua interpreter.. automatically!"
Cassie Jaye, "MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement"
ChibiAkumas, "RISC-V Assembly Programming"
"C Isn't A Programming Language Anymore"
"Como é que os animais se lavam?"
Computerphile, "AI Language Models & Transformers"
Computerphile, "Bing Chat Behaving Badly"
Computerphile, "ChatGPT with Rob Miles"
Computerphile, "GPT3: An Even Bigger Language Model"
David Justice, "Explorations into Decentralized Publishing"
Dennis Trautwein, "Decentralized Storage with IPFS"
Devan Carpenter, "Knocking Down the Nest"
"Dia da Terra: O Planeta está a ficar diferente"
Diego Ongaro, John Ousterhout, "In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm"
Drew DeVault, "Introducing Helios Microkernel"
Drew DeVault, "Introducing Helios"
Elma Akob, "The Dangers of Western Feminism to African Women"
emi, "Visual Programming: What Went Wrong and Is There Room For Improvement?"
"Ever wondered how a QR code works?"
"Explaining Meshuggah using KONNAKOL (Stengah)"
Fabien Sanglard, "The Polygons of Another World"
Farhad Manjoo, "I've Seen a Future Without Cars, and It's Amazing"
Frank Vanbever, "Lua for the lazy C developer"
Fred Hebert, "Erlang's Tail Recursion is Not a Silver Bullet"
Friedemann Mattern, "Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems"
Gala Camacho, Simona Ciocoiu, "None: a story of data that isn't there"
Geoffrey Hinton on the AI existential threat
Gerald Jay Sussman, "Programming is (should be) fun!"
"Greece: This was no accident"
"Greece train crash: at least 40 killed and dozens injured in collision"
Green Savers, "Verdade ou mito: 5 preconceitos esclarecidos sobre a reciclagem"
Greta Thunberg, "School strike for climate - save the world by changing the rules"
Hisham Muhammad, "LuaRocks and the challenges of minimalism"
"How to Make Roman Concrete (4 Different Materials, 4 Different Strengths)"
Ilya Zverev, "Broken Promises and Technical Difficulties"
Jakub Jankiewicz, "LIPS Scheme"
Jerome Klapka Jerome, "The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow"
Jochen Topf, "Modding the OSM Data Model"
Joe Fikifiki, "Songs that Have Disturbed Me: Frankie Teardrop"
Joe Fikifiki, "When your Heroes are Villains..."
Joel Chan, "Discourse Graphs for Augmented Knowledge Synthesis: What and Why"
Johan Herland, "The Git Parable"
John Nelson, "Put a north arrow on it?"
Jonathan McHugh, "Literate Storytelling: Interpreting Syntaxes for Explorers"
Jon Häggblad, "The Nym Mixnet"
"Konnakol Duet: V Shivapriya & BR Somashekar Jois"
Konrad Bächler, "DNS for I2P: a Distributed Network without Central Authority"
Large Scale Distributed Systems
Leslie Lamport, "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System"
Ludovic Courtès, "Where does that code come from?"
Marie Dubremetz, "Consulting for digital humanists"
Mark Graham, Martin Dittus, "Geographies of Digital Exclusion: Data and Inequality"
Martin Karlsson, "Visual graph tools for weaving together data to coordinate decentralized research"
Matthieu Gautier, "Jubako, a new generic container format"
Matt Parker, "Talks at Google: The Greatest Maths Mistakes"
Matt Taibbi, "Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Top 50 Organizations to Know"
Max Leonard Inden & Dennis Trautwein, "Hole punching in the wild"
Max Leonard Inden, "Peer-to-peer Browser Connectivity"
National Geographic, "Forever Wild: Live Free or Die"
Nelson Vides, "The Actor Model as a Load Testing Framework"
Nikki van der Gaag, "Why feminism needs men - and men need feminism"
Noel De Martin, "From Zero to Hero with Solid"
nothing interesting wiki: Meta
nothing interesting wiki: plan/ideas
Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Carlos Baquero, Victor Fonte, "Interval Tree Clocks"
Pjotr Prins, "Zig and Guile for fast code and a REPL"
Planet Doc, "The Men of Fifth World"
Project Kamp, "Everything we built on our abandoned land"
Raphael Treza, "Borneo Death Blow"
Remko Tronçon, "Exploring WebAssembly with Forth (and vice versa)"
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces"
Richard P. Brent, Paul Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic"
Rüdiger Klaehn, "A new approach to IPFS pinning and caching"
Ryan Hediger, "Animal suicide and 'anthropodenial'"
Sasa Juric, "The Soul of Erlang and Elixir"
"Speculation in JavaScriptCore"
Stéphane Bortzmeyer, "Implementation of the Drink server: programming details"
Steven Goodwin, "I have an idea: build a language that can run backwards"
Tobias Augspurger, "Open Source in Environmental Sustainability"
Tom Hacohen, "Starting an Open Source Startup"
Tom Preston-Werner, "The Git Parable"
"Unveiling Masculinity: Women Talk All Things Men, From Their Style to Their Sexuality"
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"Why are we talking so much about privacy?"
William Byrd, "Self-conscious Reflexive Interpreters"
Yarmo Mackenbach, "Keyoxide: verifying online identity with cryptography"
"You Can Learn RISC-V Assembly in 10 Minutes | Getting Started RISC-V Assembly on Linux Tutorial"