So I wrote about this while watching and it's old enough at this point that I can be spoiling it. Pretty much everybody has seen it.

I suppose I ought to start off by saying that this movie needs a flashing lights warning like the majority of Disney movies from the era. Dunno what it is about this particular time for Disney but they really liked their _trip_ segments.

The OST is really obnoxious on this one, as it hails from a time where the orchestral stabs were used either for emphasis or comedic effect, typically overshadowing the sound effects. I've got a pretty good understanding that audio dubbing wasn't as easy as it is today, but come on. Otherwise the non-background (?) music is where this movie really shines.

The animation is insanely impressive for its time. There's a couple errors here and there, but they're minor and entirely excusable as every from would have been done by hand. Oh yeah, the animation would have been done by _hand_. I know that it's still sort of done in modern anime but a fair amount of that process is digital these days. I really wish that modern Disney still sometimes did this style of animation as we don't have any modern, western, classical animation houses.

On to the story, I suppose. It's pretty ehhh at the best, definitely meant for kids. There are a couple more _for the adults_ sequences but it's overall more conservative than even modern Disney films.

Now that I get to thinking about it, I'd love a classical, western, animation house creating more adult stories. It's an impressive medium that I feel hasn't been very well explored in the states and Europe. I'm excluding Eastern animation as pretty much since its inception there has been mature/adult stories (not porn, get your mind out of the gutter).