Younger men urged to get to grips with type 2 diabetes risk

Catherine McGinty, 24 May

A leading charity partnership is urging men in the North, aged 40 and

under, to take a free and simple check to understand their risk of type

2 diabetes.

Research from Diabetes UK and Tesco for Diabetes Prevention Week (22-28

May) has revealed that many men under 40 are most likely to be spurred

into improving their health by a health scare or if a health

professional such as a GP says they need to.

The research also shows that the signs of having type 2 diabetes are

not always obvious, so it is vital for younger men to know their risk

in order to avoid the condition.

The condition is known to have more severe consequences in people under

40 and, without the right treatment and support, it can lead to serious

complications that include kidney failure and heart disease.

To help to reduce the number of men with the condition, a free, simple,

and potentially life-saving assessment to better understand the risks

of type 2 diabetes can be carried out by going online

at: https://riskscore.diabetes.

Anyone in the North who completes an assessment will be directed to

free advice and information about the help available to manage their


Chris Askew, Chief Executive at Diabetes UK, said: “While developing

type 2 diabetes isn’t looming large on the minds of most young men,

we’re seeing increased numbers of men in this age group developing this

serious and life-altering condition.

“Managing your weight, eating healthily, and doing more physical

activity can all contribute to reducing your risk of getting type 2

diabetes, and starting those habits at a younger age can set you up on

a healthy path for later life, when we really see people’s risk


“Understanding the risk factors of type 2 diabetes, and your own

personal risk based on your family history, ethnicity and general

health is so important. Getting a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is

life-changing. Younger men have the chance now to make changes that

could reduce their risk of developing the condition and know how to

help keep it at bay.”

Eating more portions of fruit and veg and moving more are two of the

ways to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, yet the

campaign’s survey of 2,000 men found that 82% were eating on average

less than five portions of fruit and veg a day, and 86% were getting

less than 150 minutes of exercise a week, falling short of recommended

healthy levels.

Men responding to the survey said that their breakfast was their

mealtime in most need of a healthy makeover, so as part of its

commitment to help customers make healthier food choices, Tesco has

produced a series of healthy and budget-friendly recipes for Prevention

Week, approved by Diabetes UK, which is available through the website

( diabetes-recipes.html).

Analysis of NHS data by Diabetes UK and Tesco last year found

that cases of type 2 diabetes – historically associated with older

people – rose at a faster rate among those under 40 than in those over

40 over the past five years.

Tesco and Diabetes UK launched the Know Your Risk tool in Tesco

pharmacies and online in November 2022, but data showed half as many

men completed it as women. combined with the fact that one in four men

under 40 admits to being afraid of the possible outcome as a barrier to

seeking professional medical advice about a health concern, Diabetes UK

and Tesco are urging younger men to act and understand their risk.

Registered cases of type 2 in this age group increased by 23% in just

five years and Diabetes UK predicts the number of people in the UK aged

under 40 living with a diagnosis of the condition could hit 200,000 by


White men are more at risk of type 2 diabetes if they’re over 40, but

just one in seven (14%) of men under 40 surveyed were aware of this.

For people from African-Caribbean, Black African, Chinese or South

Asian backgrounds, this risk increases at an earlier age – from age 25

– yet only one in 10 (11%) of men surveyed knew this.

While type 2 diabetes is often stigmatised as a condition that people

bring on themselves, the risk factors are multiple and complex and

include family history and ethnicity, as well as living with obesity or

being overweight, among other factors.

Social deprivation is also an issue. Factors such as income, education,

housing, access to healthy food, as well as poorer access to

healthcare, have been shown to be strongly linked to an increased risk

of developing several health conditions – including obesity and type 2

diabetes. As a result, people who are at increased risk of type 2

diabetes are all too often less likely to be able to benefit from

support to manage it.

Type 2 diabetes has until recently been quite rare in those aged under

40, so many people – including healthcare professionals – don’t always

recognise the symptoms.