Thanks, man. I'll check that out. Haven't tried tmux. PHP is my language of choice.
The problem with Chromebooks for me is that they are made by Google. I know, I'm one of those dudes who readily and steadily complain about tracking, data theft, filter bubbles etc. I've been Google-free for over five years now, and I won't touch the damn thing. Their slick G-Man logo puts me off, every fucking time. Think I've developed some kind of allergy towards everything Alphabet, Meta and Microsoft. Sorry.
So how come you use Apple's fancy shit?
Well, I've decided to trust them. Nothing more, nothing less. It might be my downfall, but, what the hell, you have to trust somebody, don't you?
I messed with PHP in the distant past. The word 'voluminous' comes to mind, but I honestly don't remember a stitch of it.
I on-and-off cared about companies I would/wouldn't do business with back when I had what seemed like more infinite "runway".
These days, companies seem merely extensions of self-centered automatons, and of *course* self-centered automatons can't do much of anything right - even by/for their oh-so-precious selves.