County Derry author signs global television deal

Orla Mullan, 24 May

County Derry children's author Yvonne Fleming of the children's book

series, The Weatherbies has announced a very exciting global deal that

will see the animated series air on US Kids Room TV to promote climate

knowledge for future generations.

The Weatherbies has signed a 26 episode, two year deal with leading US

media company VlogBox to add the animation to Kids Room TV channel,

offering a unique opportunity for the Maghera based company to reach a

new audience across the globe.

Kids Room TV is a new Kids’ Edutainment CTV channel, created by VlogBox

that helps children develop new skills in their leisure time while

keeping things fun and simple by bringing together dozens of content

creators. What separates Kids Room TV from other children’s TV channels

is that its shows are carefully moderated before appearing on screen.

The channel is available on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Google TV and soon

Apple TV.

The series ‘Fun Topics with the Weatherbies’ and ‘Storytime with the

Weatherbies’ creates content for preschoolers, educating young children

on the importance of climate awareness and how they can have a positive

impact by changing their day-to-day behavior to help create a

sustainable environment by using educational songs, animated videos and

stories. The goal of the series is to deliver environmental educational

facts in a fun and entertaining way and offer resources to support

learning and teaching in primary schools.

A spokesperson for VlogBox said: “This partnership is great for us both

because we at VlogBox are happy to do what we’re really good at – to

deliver “The Weatherbies” on CTV and gain a new audience for the

animated series. We’re happy to support the idea of climate awareness

and make it more available to a wider audience as well – states Nick

Platonenko, CEO and co-founder of VlogBox. I believe this partnership

will bring benefits to everyone – “The Weatherbies,” VlogBox, and

indeed for the viewers.”

Yvonne said: “We are delighted and extremely excited to be partnering

with VlogBox, one of the largest kid’s content providers, and to be

airing our debut animated series ‘The Weatherbies’ on Kids Room TV.

This partnership will bring the Weatherbies to the next level of global

reach to children everywhere and the eco-friendly message of a

sustainable future. Our children are our young Eco-Ambassadors.”