Non English Dict

I am enjoying the numerous posts I found on CS about little unix tools useful to write phlogs. BBS's TEXTLIFE board is a nice place to find them. Among these, dict is a must-have, but I didn't find a way to use it with another language than English. You can find translation dictionaries, but you don't find, for example, French-French dictionary.

So I started to look for another tool. I already use the GUI GoldenDict, which employs StarDict format dictionaries. You find many very good free french dictionaries in this format, which is quite convenient. But GoldenDict doesn't include a CLI interface, in spite of

an old issue never solved.

You can find

a separate CLI tool in Ruby,

but this is a little too much for my needs, so I used the old CLI interface of StarDict, sdcv. You just need to export a STARDICT_DATA_DIR environment variable to indicate the path where you put your dictionaries.

With Vim, you have

a plugin

to use these dictionaries directly from the editor.