#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.24.0; use warnings; use Imager; use Imager::Fill; my $font = Imager::Font->new( file => "$ENV{HOME}/.fonts/zx_spectrum-7_bold.ttf" ) or die; my $img = Imager->new( xsize => 1366, ysize => 768 ) or die; my $fill_fg = Imager::Color->new("#EEEEEE"); my $fill_bg = Imager::Color->new("#CCCCCC"); my $font_color = Imager::Color->new("#212121"); my $fill = Imager::Fill->new( hatch => 'stipple', fg => $fill_fg, bg => $fill_bg ); $img->box( xmin => 0, ymin => 0, xmax => 1366, ymax => 768, fill => $fill, ); my @phrase = readline *DATA; chomp @phrase; for my $i ( 0 .. $#phrase ) { $img->string( x => 100, y => 95 + 120 * $i, font => $font, string => $phrase[$i], size => 120, aa => 0, color => $font_color, ); } $img->write( file => "forth-the.png" ); __DATA__ : THE . ; : MAY 3 ; : WITH 7 ; : BE * ; : FORTH * ; : YOU, 2 ; : ALWAYS YOU, MAY WITH BE FORTH THE ; ALWAYS