Celebrating 10 years of The Kabin in Cork's northside

EchoLive.ie, 24 May

TIMOTHY O’MAHONY continues his series on the Volunteers of Cork with a

visit to The Kabin, on Harbour View Road, on Cork’s northside

Celebrating 10 years of The Kabin in Cork's northside

Garry McCarthy - Founder and Tutor at the Kabin Roisin Cullinane -

Aaron Hennessy Luke Martin Darren Stewart Sean Downey - Tutor.

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Timothy O'Mahony

THE Kabin Studio is based on Harbour View Road between Hollyhill and

Knocknaheeny. It was founded in 2013 by Garry McCarthy, from GMCBeats

Workshops, who re-purposed an idle MasterKabin in partnership with Cork

ETB and Music Generation Cork City to run workshops and recording

projects for local young people.

In the decade since the Kabin’s inception, it has grown as a community

resource, become a hive of creativity, a place to nurture young talent,

and more importantly it has become a space where young people can be

themselves and build lasting friendships.

The Kabin has developed many youngsters with musical talent and the

tutors there have created a safe, friendly environment that allows the

youngsters to be open, to think, talk and to ultimately thrive.

They write music, play instruments, form groups, write lyrics, rap,

sing, and so much more.

The Kabin has had multiple people take part in the Late Late Toy Show

over the last number of years. They have a girl group called Misneach,

have been making podcasts and short films, have rap artists, singers,

podcasters, poets, and have even started learning about and actively

taking part in horticulture.

The outcome of much of the work that happens there is a recorded piece

of music of some kind. But the truth is that what’s happening at the

Kabin goes far beyond music.

Garry and his fellow tutors are educating these youngsters about

community, inclusivity, acceptance, communication and ownership. These

youngsters, that range in age from eight or nine year’s old right up to

18, are being prepared for the future in such a positive way, for a

world in which they will be the stars, the leaders and future of

Ireland and beyond. I was blown away by what has been created in the


I spent a few hours at the Kabin with a group of four wonderful

teenagers who are actively participating and volunteering at The Kabin

- here Roisin Cullinane, Luke Martin, Darren Stewart and Aaron Hennessy

shared their thoughts, and reflect on their work at The Kabin and the

hopes for the future.

Róisín Cullinane and Chloe Murphy from Misneach at The Kabin Studio at

Music Generation Cork City’s 10th Birthday Celebration at the Everyman

Theatre. Picture Clare Keogh Róisín Cullinane and Chloe Murphy from

Misneach at The Kabin Studio at Music Generation Cork City’s 10th

Birthday Celebration at the Everyman Theatre. Picture Clare Keogh


How do people support each other at the Kabin?

People in the Kabin are always there for us, no matter what. They help

you in every way possible to get the most out of the experience and

they also help with many more things.

For me, I’m grateful for all the workers and when I started I was very

nervous, but they helped me become more confident with music and

writing. The Kabin is the most accepting place there is.

What are your goals at the Kabin over the next year?

For me, some things I would like to do in the Kabin over coming year

would be to work more on my own music, record tracks and get them out


Tell me about the girl group you are part of?

Misneach is a girl group of six teen singer/ songwriters who have

released three songs that speak on female empowerment and things

females face on a day-to-day basis, especially in terms of social


The Kabin makes it feel like anything is possible for young people who

want to try something different - what would your advice be to any

young person who has a dream but maybe thinks it’s impossible?

I think no matter what it is, you should just give it a try, because

growing up I always had a love for music but I never imagined that I

would be able to say I have three released songs so everything is


If you want it, you have to go out and get it. It won’t be handed to

you, but if you put in the effort you will get the outcome you want.

Tell me about the Kabin Youth Council?

We set up the Kabin Youth Council so young people can have a space

where they will be able to bring up points and connect with younger

groups so, if they have an issue, they can share it with us and then we

can bring it to the youth council meeting and try to solve the problem

and find a solution.

Aaron Hennessy at The Kabin. Aaron Hennessy at The Kabin.


You were on The Late Late Toy Show in recent years, tell me what kind

of experience was that for you?

The Toy Show was brilliant, it was a very good experience for me. It

took a while to audition and get through it but when I found out I was

on it, it was the best thing ever. I loved being on it. I literally

can’t remember anything from when I was rapping. I can’t remember that

part at all. Before I went on, I was OK, I wasn’t that nervous but I

was a small bit nervous. During the show, it was the best thing ever

and after I felt very excited that I had done it.

I was happy that I had done it and it was just the best thing.

What would you say to any young people who want to try out something

new, based off your experience?

To young people that want to do anything, I think ye should do it, any

opportunity that you don’t take, you miss. Lots of things have happened

since I was in the Kabin, lots of opportunities came up and helped me

get on the Toy Show and do different performances and basically helped

me pursue music.

How do your mentors help you developer your music making and rapping


They’re the best, they help you with rapping, writing, learning how to

make music. If you need help with anything, they’ll help you straight

away. They are all very supportive.

When I write, I usually pick a topic and write about that. I don’t

really write about personal stuff.

Luke Martin on drums at The Kabin. Luke Martin on drums at The Kabin.


What have you learned that you can take away and use in your everyday


The Kabin Studio has helped with my personal life a lot. It’s allowed

me to be more creative, given me exponential amounts of stage

confidence, and an escape in case I’m having a rough day.

I’ve learned to be patient with others, be patient with myself and look

out for those who you are working with.

My favourite part about being at the Kabin is that I’m able to express

and be myself without the pressure from other people around my age.

Everyone’s so welcoming and understanding of each other and it’s so

comforting. I can do the things I’m comfortable doing without having to

worry about what I look like to others.

I believe the Kabin provides a varied creative outlet for the local

community. Even if you’re not interested in performing or making music,

you can program, 3D model, create art, write poetry, do drama or make


The mentors’ constant support is one of the best qualities of the

Kabin. Whether I’m writing a song or rehearsing for a gig, it’s a

stream of positivity and you feel invincible when you’re performing or

showcasing work.

Garry McCarthy - founder and tutor - at the Kabin with Roisin

Cullinane, Aaron Hennessy, Luke Martin, Darren Stewart and Sean Downey

- tutor. Garry McCarthy - founder and tutor - at the Kabin with Roisin

Cullinane, Aaron Hennessy, Luke Martin, Darren Stewart and Sean Downey

- tutor.


What has the Kabin given you on an

individual level?

I wouldn’t be who I am without it, I wouldn’t have got all the

opportunities in my life that I have so far. Through the Kabin, all of

us have become like one big family.

There is one main rule in the Kabin, and that’s if you are up here, you

have to be creative. It doesn’t matter what art form it takes.

Tell me about your writing process?

It depends on how I’m feeling. If I’m feeling a beat I just roll with

what’s on my mind. If I’m bopping my head to the beat and I came up

with one line like ‘I’m sitting here staring at the mic’ and I’ll just

continue along and along or if I had a topic I’d roll with that.

I don’t think about anything unless I’m actively doing something. That

might sound strange but If I’m not engaged in doing something my mind

is clear. I think it’s because I’m a really peaceful person I am peace

a lot and very laidback. It allows me to be fully engage when I am

writing or rapping.

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Volunteers of Cork: Helping people build a better life