i have committed the mail to gemini script: https://tildegit.org/alexlehm/mail2gemini
alexlehm's link to 'https://tildegit.org/alexlehm/mail2gemini'
quite preliminary though
check your mkdir and cd calls
also `mkdir $ID` and such involve auto-split and auto-glob so you probably want mkdir "$ID" or even mkdir -- "$ID"
ID is a sha256 string, so that is safe i think
that is not from the user input
in sh scripts I "$var" vars by default, unless I do need to split and glob crazy
i started as a shell script, about halfway i thought i may have better done that as Perl script
Very typical process, I find.
Basically: If it's more than 20 lines I start to rue the fact that I started it as shell script.
Good day geminauts
Wrote a little web front end for a news server. Gemini front end … how long? :D
depending on what web platform you use, adapting that to gemini may be rather easy
hello all =)
ok wtf is bubble.. (emphasis in a positive but dumbfounded 'huh?!')
something social media-ish, I think
flow: I've never heard of it, got a link?
I put it into my antenna filter after reading the first sentence about it :d
sario: gemini://gemini.hitchhiker-linux.org/gemlog/on_bubble_centralization_and_federation.gmi
that's what I'm reading currently
its still in my bookmarks, havent gotten a chance to sit down and read it, but im pretty sure its like that twtxt thing
like a microblog over gemini
and looks like a whole bunch more articles about Bubble posted on Antenna yesterday (possibly earlier as well)
i need to find a way to spend less time on my phone and more time on gemini
sario: this looks like the origin piece tho: gemini://geminispace.org/u/skyjake/1
flow's link to 'gemini://geminispace.org/u/skyjake/1'
owocean: download Lagrange for your phone
flow: thanks
good idea i think
Bubble is mostly a forum i would say, i quite like it
its by the person who made Lagrange
Good day geminauts~
so did my jabber client just embarassingly spew messages about no omemo?
I'm liking Bubble as well, except after viewing /s/PDA I'm fighting the urge to go buy an old palm pilot.
most models are still very cheap so you better pick one up now before they start getting pricy lol
lol - I caught myself before I rationalized it that way
It crossed my mind.