Nine ring buoys have been removed from Clane, County Kildare

Ciaran Mather, 24 May

Nine ring buoys have been removed from Clane, the Leinster Leader has

been told.

The removals are a cause for concern as unannounced changes to River

Liffey water levels in Clane can occur as ESB Networks generate


Commenting on the removals, Independent councillor PƔdraig McEvoy

said: "With over 1.2 kilometres of pathway along the River Liffey in

Clane, Kildare County Council maintains emergency life saving ring

buoys at key points of access and risk.

"The recent removal of nine ring buoys is unusual, but (also) a concern

for the families of individuals who use the river amenities."

Cllr McEvoy, who has since been in contact with local gardaĆ­ regarding

the issue, continued: "In raising general public awareness, I hope that

the community in Clane will help to stop the interference with life

saving equipment.

"Replacements are not free and the last thing we want to hear about is

an avoidable fatality among our community due in part to missing ring


He added that Labour Party Senator Mark Wall is due to raise a delayed

bill relating to the removal of ring buoys when he will attend the

Seanad later today.

It is understood that Kildare County Council has ordered replacement

ring buoys and is appealing to residents in Clane to assist in

maintaining the life-saving equipment without further interference.