Defendant is at ‘low-medium’ risk of reoffending, Kildare court told

Ciaran Mather, 24 May

The probation services deemed one man who appeared at Naas District

Court on Thursday, May 18, as being at a 'low-medium' risk of


Judge Desmond Zaidan admitted that he was perplexed by the comments in

the case of the man, who cannot be identified as the court session was

held in-camera (in private).

The man was accused of two domestic violence order breaches, as well as

a number of offences where he drove a vehicle with no insurance, in

County Kildare.

It was also heard that he had over 30 previous convictions.

On a previous court date, a probation report was ordered for the man,

which noted that he was at a 'low-medium risk of reoffending.'

After being informed about the report by defending solicitor Tim

Kennelly, Judge Zaidan criticised the wording, calling it 'politically

correct nonsense.'




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Mr Kennelly insisted that his client was going through a 'bad time' at

the time of the offences, and asked Judge Zaidan to consider imposing a

driving disqualification instead of a custodial sentence.

Delays in the case were criticised, although Judge Desmond Zaidan

concluded that the man 'contributed to the delays' by not showing up on

certain court dates.

The judge told Mr Kennelly: "This is like flogging a dead horse. I’m

sorry, but there are no exceptional mitigating factors in this case."

He imposed two six-month sentences on the man, in addition to a

seven-year driving ban.

After being informed that the man had an event involving his child on

the weekend, Judge Zaidan set his appeal at €150, instead of €500, and

remarked to Mr Kennelly: "I hate getting old… I’m getting softer."

Speaking directly to the man, he said: "I am not doing this for you, I

am doing this because I feel sorry for your child."