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Read this plz short version AKA tl/dr
A longer, more informative version (now with more!)
Help Me (again... something I TRIED to post on CL, but no phone)
send me a mails or xmpp chat...
mrpieceofwork "asperand" autistici "period" org
or a mails
mrpieceofwork "asperand" rawtext "period" club
say "hi", criticize my thots, tell me off, ask me about my myriad interests, help me, etc.
The Pile (musing on an allegory for reality)
Absurd word parings for art inspiration...
which I harvest from the Exquisite Corpse bot on Masto
5 Questions answered for Christina S.
My first interaction with the resident AI
I guessed good! re: Where In The World 20230212
Brits say these words WRONG ;)
I wrote a thing (about the truth of things)
My foamy palm named "Pam" on Astrobotany
How the ruling class keeps themselves in power
Something I want to post on FB
capitalism sucks (my short story about the past 25 years or so)
A youtuber asked an AI to be a communist... you won't believe what happened next!
(perpetual WIP, which I'll get back to once I get away from my btchss)
(all flour based stuff so far... I like to bake, what can I say)
Copy an ascii word (web link!)
My presence on mastodon.social
My gopher hole on SDF (it's ded bc I pissed off SDF somehow ???)
My gopher hole on this here server (How to Reconnect with Nature)
DIT reference/spec/proposal (Decimal Internet Time)
rawtext.club gemini cluster home + users
Updated 20230520
I'm an... I'm OK. Yeah.
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