need to get a better idea of pinephonepro battery life

I don’t often go long away from power, so I’m not sure how long my Phone can last on a charge, but after 3.5 hours battery is at 2%. Most of the time the screen has been off. For about 2.5 hours of that time I was connected via SSH for chatting.

Turned on the keyboard battery at the 3.5 hour mark, after a few minutes the balance was 90%/10%.

I need to create a low power trigger to toggle ppkb charging. But there’s no alarm under the battery.. :-(

I think sxmo accomplishes monitoring by polling via cron.

I forgot to record when I finally ran out of power, but it did last a few hours running the keyboard battery down to charge up the main battery. But when the keyboard is depleted, it does not draw any power from the PinePhone for the purpose of keeping the abstraction layer alive. That is, battery statistics are no longer available when the keyboard battery hits zero, despite the keyboard itself continuing to function just fine.






updated: 2023-02-18 12:17:43 -0500

generated: 2023-04-23