Gemlog 4-8-2023 - Bird Nest

I am by no means a bird watcher, but rather a bird enjoyer. Always on a quest for knowledge and understanding.

While I was walking the dogs back by the shed a few days ago, I noticed a smattering of mud on one of the lights I had installed under the eave. At first glance I thought it might have been mason bees, but then I realized there's way too much mud, far too messy, and it's still a bit early for them.

Bird Nest 4-6

Today I finally got around to start looking into what birds in New England might make a mud-based nest. I've also yet to see any activity.

Blue birds were ruled out as they nest in the boxes on the other side of the shed. The best I have been able to come up with is that it's likely a barn swallow.

Both are beautiful birds, although I don't think I've ever seen a barn swallow in person.

I will continue to monitor the progression of the nest. Hopefully I can get a positive identification on the to be occupants!





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