In life, I've begun using XMPP more extensively for communication. This really began as my PinePhone's microphone went caput. With XMPP, I can use multiple clients, so my communication ability is not dependant on the working hardware of the device with my SIM card in it.
For my PinePhone's audio, I can use an external microphone (plugged in by USB), though that doesn't work through the Modem. (Neither does a bluetooth mic). For modem-based phone calls, I need to plug in wired earbuds with a microphone in order to be heard, so I haven't been taking too many calls lately...
I created a new project: PHP XMPP Invitation landing page.
It's a serverside port of another project to make it easier for people to join the XMPP network: You get an invitation URI, and append it to the page, so they can be prompted to install your personally-recommended client. So far, I've used it once, but expect to use it more in the future.
One of the packages I added to musicdir includes MusicXML files. In thinking about what it would take to make a basic, mobile-friendly, MusicXML app, I experimented with Vipsdisp (a GTK4 image viewer), and packaged Verovio (which renders music notation to SVG) for Alpine Linux.
Suggpicker got a new release: v0.1.0. Suggpicker is my soft-keyboard complement used for picking suggested words. While the version number is small, it's gotten leaner and had one new feature added: changing your mind by sliding off of the word. This can help if you often misclick. Since the newline wasn't sent until you let go, in most use-cases, this won't affect performance at all.
wvkbd (which was the base for Suggpicker) has had some recent activity: lots of patches being merged in (some of my own), and becoming an official SXMO project. Big ups to proycon for maintaining this!
Personally, I'm in possession of a good fortune, one that will provide for me, though not temporally. Still pursuing that front.
The culture's flavor makes me wary of the corporatocracy promoting ungodliness; it's not easy to find a company that I would enjoy working for.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I pray that you may seek after God in all that you do.