Blue Magic available in raids

A Realm Reborn raids

Labyrinth of the Ancients

The Look ★★

The World of Darkness

Devour ★

The Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 1

High Voltage ★★★★

Devour ★

The Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 2

High Voltage ★★★★

Heavensward raids

Dun Scaith

The Ram’s Voice ★★

The Dragon’s Voice ★★

Alexander - The Fist of the Father

Kaltstrahl ★★

Alexander - The Cuff of the Father

Kaltstrahl ★★

Alexander - The Arm of the Father

Tail Screw ★★★★

Protean Wave ★★★

Alexander - The Burden of the Father

Perpetual Ray ★★★★

Alexander - The Burden of the Son

Mind Blast ★

J Kick ★★★★★

Alexander - The Breath of the Creator

Gobskin ★★★★

Stormblood raids

Sigmascape V1.0

Saintly Beam ★★

Deltascape V1.0

Blaze ★★

Alphascape V3.0

Flame Thrower ★★★★

Mustard Bomb ★★★★

Peripheral Synthesis ★★★★