Inspiring Leaders


This post is secret; it’s only publicised via my RSS feed (and selected other places which vary from post to post). Thanks for being part of RSS Club!

Despite my best efforts, I periodically find myself running teams: usually only when anybody who could conceivably be better at it is unavailable. I'm not... terrible at it, but I'm not great either, and I get frustrated if I spend more of my time in meetings than writing code (which seems to often be the case when I take any kind of managerial position).

A conversation with my excellent coach this morning (My coach also inspired my blog post about doing what you're bad at and the accompanying vlog version. I always come out of sessions with her with so many ideas for blog posts, but - as always - I have less spare time for blogging than I'd like!) got me thinking about leaders I've worked alongside or under that I particularly admire. Especially those who've demonstrated skills that I don't have, or that I'm weaker at, but that I could learn to improve. Those that came to mind include:

It's perhaps inevitable that I'll keep ending up in leadership positions, whether ir not I desire it!

But I'm optimistic that a greater awareness of the places I've got potential to grow as a person will help ensure that when it happens, I'm a better leader than I was the previous time.


My RSS feed

RSS Club

Website of my coach Steph Vora

My blog post: Do What You're Bad At

Vlog version of my blog post: Do What You're Bad At

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