Tasks for Munyoki
- kanban: bonfacem
- assigned: bonfacem
- status: in progress
Meta tasks
This is @pjotr's list, do not remove!
- [ ] get RDF example on testing and CD
- [ ] get RDF example to production as a turtle dump and query code (virtuoso server is running)
- [ ] final stages (meta)data editing GN2
On going tasks
All in-progress tasks
Rank-ordered list of on-going tasks:
High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Stalled (To Be Done/Completed)
All stalled taskse that are to be promoted to in-progress
Rank-ordered list of stalled tasks:
High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Unclear Issues
Ad-hoc issues that were picked some where some how:
Unclear Issues
Closed Issues
Should something in one of these closed issues be amiss, we can always and should re-open the offending issue.
Currently closed issues are:
Closed Issues