adding atom feeds

last night (okay, today, but around 02:00)

I’m not even sure if I did it right, but I updated the Python script from yesterday that processes all of my content to publish and made it generate an atom.xml file. I’m too tired to publish yet, but when I wake up I’ll push it and see if anything breaks.

It basically just saves off the last modified (from git) for all of the documents that get parsed, sorts them, takes the newest 10, and dumps them into the atom.xml file. I honestly don’t remember what’s supposed to be in the file, I just loosely based it off of some that I looked at.

What could possibly go wrong?

it’s morning

I found a small issue… I was adding every single updated thing to the list and then sorting it instead of just using content that could be traced via backlinks to the index. That is, really only index links should be in the updates.

Unfortunately, I updated a bunch of those files out of order when I touched the titles (had to remove quotes and such) so they look a bit silly in the feed order.. and then I noticed I was inconsistently putting titles on pages.

So I added a new template for markdown output to include titles, added an argument to shift headings by one, and now the markdown template is responsible for putting titles on pages. I feel like this change is more consistent with how pandoc handles the other document formats.




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updated: 2022-12-10 11:20:21 -0500

generated: 2023-04-23