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From the vast selection of software, Agate's the best choice to just get a capsule up and running with minimal hassle. But looking for more interactivity, the kind you can see at mozz.us, JetForce seems like a great choice. It's built and used by Mozz, but while checking it out I came about Stargazer. Looks simple and useful enough to be an interesting choice. I'll take a good look into that one too.
I`ll be checking out both. Before I commit to any one I want to be sure that, at least, I got the capsule hosting part of OSS-Betelgeuse working (it's almost there!). I'll keep the server running on Agate for a bit, while I test Stargazer and JetForce. I don't antecipate any major issues with a future transfer.
May the cosmos watch over your jouney.