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My name is pingloaf and among the bakers I go as pingloaf!
I am a big lover of bread, be it sourdough, white, keto, any kind! Bread is truly the main dish!
Also on occassion I love to dip my bread in tea! Well not really, I just really enjoy tea, as much as I do bread!
Feel free to look around my capsule! I am active on IRC on Tilde server, #bread and #gemini as ping.
If I am not there and you want to ask me something shoot me an email -> ping.yin@tutanota.com
Lots of things! From recipes about bread and tea blogs all the way to IT stuff... But ping "IT stuff" is such
a broad term. And you're right, and I'm a broad person, you'll find a lot of various IT stuff, from networking,
linux, web design, and even maybe gaming. And why should you read my IT stuff you may wonder? Because I'm a noob!
But say ping, how does that help me? Well you learn as I learn, when I learn something you can get a begginer friendly
approach! But anyways, this is my breadpunk.club page so I'll focus more on bread, and tea stuff!