CAPCOM is an aggregator for Atom feeds of Gemini content. It was inspired by:
The Bongusta aggregator for Gopherspace
Each month, CAPCOM randomly selects 100 distinct URLs from its list of known feeds, and includes their content in its output. This makes it a nice way to discover new content in Geminispace. If you're enjoying content from one feed, you should subscribe to it yourself in some way, because that feed is not guaranteed to be one of the 100 feeds chosen next month!
Submit your Atom feed's URL for inclusion in CAPCOM's list
If you want to maintain your *own* set of aggregated feeds, either for public consumption or your own private use, you can:
To find feeds to add to your own CAPCOM instance, you can:
See all feed URLs known by this CAPCOM instance
See all feed URLs known to the GUS search engine
Aggregating 100 Atom feeds from Geminispace.
PlayOnBSD Games - 15:40:42 UTC PlayOnBSD Games Changes
Lantashi's Gemlog - Lantashi's Dance - Ch 2 - H'shalyn
Senders' Gemlog - Linux Audio Woes
log de prx - — random passwords from manpages
English language articles on - ChatGPT and The Universal Will to Become
Laniakea Journal - I made a Soroban
Ainent's Gemlog - Project Scopes
log de prx - Gemini as Tor Hidden service (onion)
Laniakea Journal - Garden season has begun
ew0k is a Teddybear - The Stonecutter, Part 6
Laniakea Journal - Retrocomputing as form of progress
reidrac's Personal Gemlog - Re: My create article script
reidrac's Personal Gemlog - The importance of the browser
ew0k is a Teddybear - Bitcoin IS Worse for Global Warming Than Cars
Laniakea Journal - Progress and computers - The death of the uncurated internet
log de prx - Percentage progress of the year
Senders' Gemlog - Facilitating Posting
Laniakea Journal - yesterday was a good day
~ew's FlightLog - 2023-04-10 -- Re: Why Gemini is boring
~ew's FlightLog - 2023-04-10 -- Magic Moments 2: Stormfront, Dots
Senders' Gemlog - Music Spotlight: Single - Dozer - Dust for Blood
Lantashi's Gemlog - A Librem 5? - I'm Spoiled
Senders' Gemlog - New Jersey Becomes a Safe Haven
Laniakea Journal - Progress (?)
Halfway to Mars - I finish listing the program that I get through Homebrew…for now.
Senders' Gemlog - re: why gemini is boring (codesoap)
Il gemlog di steko - Ritorno al passato
Senders' Gemlog - Source controlled dotfiles
ew0k is a Teddybear - The Stonecutter, Part 5
Senders' Gemlog - Emacs On My Writing PC
log de prx - — Nouveau plan de jardin
Senders' Gemlog - Do I need Windows
Lettuce gemlog - A Retro-grouch and ATB computer
log de prx - Idiotbox to watch youtube without a browser
ew0k is a Teddybear - Would You Like an OpenTTD Save Game?
log de prx - — Add icon to links with CSS to identify protocol (+ bonus)
Hispagatos Collective of Anarchist Hackers - Hackea el sistema! Los grupos anarquistas de hacking
ew0k is a Teddybear - The Stonecutter, Part 4
Il gemlog di steko - Di nuovo in orbita
ew0k is a Teddybear - Note to Self: Git Aliases
log de prx - — zerohost version 1.3
// - config.h и redo
Senders' Gemlog - DST Hot Takes
~ew's FlightLog - 2023-03-11 -- Adding cassini gemring server to bubblewrapped services (bws)
log de prx - — Make your server available through a VPN endpoint IP
Lettuce gemlog - Simple Menu TUIs using fzf
~ew's FlightLog - 2023-03-08 -- Re: The Joy of Contained Systems
log de prx - — ublock origin comme filtre parental
Lettuce gemlog - Rave reviews for new Gemini utilities: NewsWaffle, Gemipedia, Stargate
log de prx - — gmi2xhtml v12 : tag code supporté
Il gemlog di steko - I libri che ho letto nel 2022
~ew's FlightLog - 2023-03-04 -- Magic Moments: Crows at Dawn; Planets at Dusk