gmisub aggregate

List of feeds

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Entries from the last month:


Techrights -

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-27


[untitled feed] - in stillness lies a calm so true

Il gemlog di steko - Risposta a cage: Ritorno al passato (due pensieri su Gemini)

Techrights -

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-26


Techrights -

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-25


Techrights -

Senders' Gemlog - Linux Audio Woes

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-24


Alex Schroeder’s Diary - No bards

Ávalos' Indie Gemlog - Overengineering my life

Techrights -

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Set up your own CalDAV and CardDAV servers on OpenBSD

Degrowther - Gardening (sort of)

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-23


skyjake - Ryzen Swap, Motivation Hacking, and Generative Assistance

Midnight Pub - tffb - can you hear it, calling in the air tonight. hold on

Midnight Pub - jr - cycles — r.a.p. ferreira

Techrights -

nothing interesting here - Abstraction is great

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-22


Sario's gemlog - Back around again

🤖 kelbot's gemlog - Palm OS PDAs Part Deux

Techrights - - Thoughts on AI and AI-veganism

Teiresias - Democracy -- or Lack Thereof -- in the USA

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-21


Midnight Pub - piggybank - hello there

Techrights -

Ainent's Gemlog - Project Scopes

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-20


Midnight Pub - nsequeira119 - New Comic Out April 20

Midnight Pub - rainy97 - a warm candle glow...

Midnight Pub - nsequeira119 - Becoming Part Of A Secret Society

Midnight Pub - tffb - obscene amt of zines

Techrights -

Sunset's Gemlog! - Sunset Gets Political II: Dark Days

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-19

mediocregopher's Posts - Good Music You Haven't Heard Of


Techrights -

moddedBear's log - The Lord of the Rings Holds Up

道&c. - — Now

道&c. - — Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!

GeminiLoggBookOberDadaisticus - AI for creativity and repression

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-18


[untitled feed] - Random ChatGPT Conversation

Sario's gemlog - RE: CAPCOM updates

Techrights -

道&c. - — Configuring a Micron Bolt Mini-2 GPS tracker

nothing interesting here - RE: Bitcoin Still 3x Better For Environment Than Cars

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-17


[untitled feed] - RE: my create article script

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Myrkheim

Midnight Pub - winter - Running

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Trying some Linux distributions to free my Steam Deck

Official Project Gemini news feed - CAPCOM changes

nothing interesting here - Societal slavery

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-16


Midnight Pub - whiskeyding - The Torment of Unplanted Seeds

Midnight Pub - pr1ba - 50 days

Midnight Pub - locha - A site about nothing

ew0k is a Teddybear - The Stonecutter, Part 6

Ávalos' Indie Gemlog - Blank (español)

Ávalos' Indie Gemlog - Blank

reidrac's Personal Gemlog - Re: My create article script

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-15


Trying To Be Constructive - ‘Experts’ vs people's lived experiences

Gemfeed of - You can not save up happiness

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-14

T. Kurt Bond's µBlog - 20:41:48-04:00 - The Chaos Crier, Issue #0

⦻ Lochlog - The intimacy of my mother tongue


Trying To Be Constructive - Misgendering is bad — and so is theory that erases lived experiences

Midnight Pub - mayonoki - slowing down

Midnight Pub - tskaalgard - One Year of Software Freedom

reidrac's Personal Gemlog - The importance of the browser

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-13


[untitled feed] - Focus Group

[untitled feed] - Five Star Reviews

Midnight Pub - tetris - Moonlight and Sunshine

ew0k is a Teddybear - Bitcoin IS Worse for Global Warming Than Cars

dimkr - is Open Source️

JeanG3nie's Capsule - Re: Facilitating Posting

JeanG3nie's Capsule - Migrating to Sway

Evenfire's posts - Why share?

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-12

mediocregopher's Posts - Bitcoin Still 3x Better For Environment Than Cars


An Inhabitant of Carcosa - — For my next trick...

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Going down

moddedBear's log - Hyprland Test Drive

Senders' Gemlog - Facilitating Posting

JeanG3nie's Capsule - Is Gemini boring and is that even bad?

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-11

Toby Kurien - re: Facilitating Posting


Midnight Pub - michal_atlas - The beauty of waiting

~ew's FlightLog - Re: Why Gemini is boring

~ew's FlightLog - Magic Moments 2: Stormfront, Dots

Senders' Gemlog - Music Spotlight: Single - Dozer - Dust for Blood

🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - The Wayback Machine for Gemini: 🏎️ Delorean Time Machine

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-10

Szczezuja's Gemlog - Why Gemini is (not) boring


Midnight Pub - noisydeadlines - First time here and it's a lovely day

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Quelques Haikus pour début 2023

Senders' Gemlog - New Jersey Becomes a Safe Haven

道&c. - — New internet setup

Gemfeed of - Algorithms and Data Structures in Go - Part 1

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-09


Idiomdrottning - Re: Why Gemini is boring

Yet Another Tech Gemlog - — Releasing Some New Common Lisp Macros

Il gemlog di steko - Ritorno al passato

Senders' Gemlog - re: why gemini is boring

nothing interesting here - WTF ASM

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-08

T. Kurt Bond's µBlog - 18:40:11-04:00 - My physical copy of “Ends of the Earth” arrived


skyjake - It Was a Time for Patching

Idiomdrottning - Machine Learning—good and bad arguments against

Idiomdrottning - Wax Sticks

Idiomdrottning - Gemini vs Web Semantics

Midnight Pub - jr - social platforms

Karan's Gemlog - Learning How To Write

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-07


Idiomdrottning - M-q in visual-line-mode

Midnight Pub - tffb - what must be said, "must" not be said

Teiresias - Init Systems, GNU, etc

hyperreal's gemlog - Musings and News

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-06


Midnight Pub - waffle - how to make a true 90s website?

Midnight Pub - locha - The chickadee

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - How to setup a local network cache for Flatpak

Karan's Gemlog - Baseball's Fun!

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-05


♪ poo-tee-weet ♫ - [散] Hi

Idiomdrottning - Förvaltningsrätten och hetsaren

moddedBear's log - Fixing Slow Shell Launch With TLP captain's log - systemd killed the *nix

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-04


The Lambda Lab, Gemini Edition - Hello 2023!

Idiomdrottning - Tahini

Midnight Pub - starbreaker - poem for a mass resignation

Midnight Pub - tetris - Coaxial, the ancient wonder tech

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Detect left over users and groups on OpenBSD

moddedBear's log - Trying Hyprland

Senders' Gemlog - Source Controlled Dotfiles

nnix - McMansion or Bust

Teiresias - Contra Touchscreens captain's log - Almost 30 years of mudding and I still suck

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-03


Idiomdrottning - Have an A1 day

Karan's Gemlog - How to Stop a Cold Before it Takes Hold

Karan's Gemlog - Voice notes and Keyboards

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-02


Idiomdrottning - Därute

Idiomdrottning - Winning

ew0k is a Teddybear - The Stonecutter, Part 5

Senders' Gemlog - Emacs on My Writing PC

Gemfeed of - 'Never split the difference' book notes

dimkr - tootik: Gemini+fediverse=❤️

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-04-01


Idiomdrottning - Antiblorb

Idiomdrottning - Character-tailored play

Midnight Pub - kavehorvanya - you folks would probably like this

Midnight Pub - ew - Sixty

Midnight Pub - locha - # Testing

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-03-31


Trying To Be Constructive - On AI-created works

Midnight Pub - ralfwause - On lazyness and growing up...

Teiresias - Rambling about Tolerance

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-03-30

Michaelʼs Gemlog - On Mastodon DDoS’ing Sites


Idiomdrottning - Zettelkasten

Idiomdrottning - Re: Bullet Points vs Prose

Idiomdrottning - def-briefly-mode

Midnight Pub - ss - Why can't I just setup the damn blog

Midnight Pub - kavehorvanya - mosque favourites

Midnight Pub - locha - Lasagna

Teiresias - Switching the US to the Metric System

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-03-29


Idiomdrottning - Eating your info vegetables

Zach's Capsule - I moved, and other major life events

Midnight Pub - rrraksamam - Special day

🤖 kelbot's gemlog - Making a Simple Podcast TUI with MPV, FZF and Podget

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-03-28

T. Kurt Bond's µBlog - 11:53:26-04:00 - US Paper Sizes Rant


Alex Schroeder’s Diary - House rules for Halberds & Helmets

Midnight Pub - alexlehm - I have made a gemini random url script

Midnight Pub - youra - Embarrassing moment..

DiscoGem - Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2023-03-27