> Everyone should be allowed to be > born innocent and implicit trust in > others is not a flaw but something > to be praised.
I agree in an idealist context.
But, take the "should" part.
Why? What within you drives conviction things "should" be other than they are? Have you ever encountered such environment? I mean, even in idealist contexts also known as movies, environments initially represented that way are soon enough revealed to be "the same old shit". Right?
And now onto the "be allowed" part.
By whom? Who has both the inner - to the point of consistently practicing - righteousness, and sufficient power to battle/overcome the forces of social evil?
Given the context of "the love of money is the root of all evil", and how it seems that those who love it the most wind up with the most... and that money is, amongst other things, a representation of power... taken all together, those in power are *necessarily* the scum of the earth with respect to social good, i.e. with respect to what "should" be.
What reverses/topples that?
(Apart from blogging, of course.... :-) )
Have you ever encountered such environment?
I've seen it in microcosms, but I believe the reason I haven't seen it in macrocosmic scales is because it hasn't been allowed to exist by malicious actors.
And yes I see your point, that are these malicious actors simply a natural reaction to a model that is implicitly unsustainable, to which I write: Nyyyyyyyooh!
I think any system can flourish if given the right environment, and it's up to us to provide that environment. Nothing spooky or cosmological about what models or motives can inherently work or not, all ideas can function in a given realm, you just have to provide the realm.
As to "by whom?" Governments are still richer than a lot of billionaires, and billionaires only spend the bare minimum to get what they want, meaning that they bribe only a few key players in the game instead of the entire boardset. All we need to do is create a system of governance where ranking officials are further ranked by their level of corruption, and held accountable to their actions.
A good first step towards this is moving past a two-party system and allowing proportional representation to stop people for voting for the lesser devil. I have faith that our democracies can still change this