A very good busy-ness, indeed, it has been.
About the only downside has been my wife unintentionally slipping into what I want to call "pin-headed manager mode", i.e. expecting far more than is possible, especially for a nearly 60-year-old, less-than-burly man, especially for failing to take into account downtime due to weariness, sweatiness, eating, digesting, bathroom breaks, etc.
In other words, she doesn't seem to know shit about burdensome reality of context-switching.
But there's icing, too.. namely tendencies to express anything from disappointment, to work-ethic sermonry, to reasons for why I should feel badly/guilty when not living up to her pin-headed, managerial expectations.
I'm working hard to find the best way to express my thoughts/feelings on this impediment to my sanity... but, of course, the very nature of a pin-headed mode includes resistance to being able to as much as hear alternate points of view, let alone consider and change behavior relative to them.
In other words: ego's a bitch, and then we (i.e. it) die(s).
I can relate, even though I'm young.
The world spins too fast on it's own, there's no need for anyone else to put pressure on people.
I sincerely hope your wife manages to get the hint and stops berating you for the work you're already doing.