Midnight Pub

I've got a posting


I accidentally wound up at yahoo.com a couple days ago (I want to say for having followed an old "geocities" link..?), and what a hellish nightmare that's become: an infinite scroll of irrefutable proof the universe best giddy up on global warming - or whatEVarrrr - this species out of existence.

(As though this collection of words is any better... ugh... but... oh, fuck it....)

I'm loving some early morning outdoor lighting in which wisps of blown, fluffy snow swirl toward dissolution.


This mostly expresses what I failed to in the previous post:

The Small Internet


Sadness accumulates reading others past gopher text offerings, knowing the momentary passion likely driving their creation, the hope of flocks of grokkers, the sense of contributing to something bigger, and all the other blah blah yadda.

(spoof time in three.. two...)

   I've got a posting
 a posting deep inside
        oh yeah
        oh yeah

     (that's right)

   I've got a posting
 a posting I can't hide
        no no no
         oh no
         oh no
       yeah yeah
I've got a posting, yeah

Question of the day (okay.. of the moment..): how is it I'd not heard of


until reading

xmanmonk's phlog


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