> Admittedly, when I first discovered > Gemini, I was excited that I finally > found a world small enough that I > could set up a place for myself, > and people would actually, maybe, > possibly stumble upon it and read > my insane, sleep deprivation fueled > ramblings.
Which are, of course, the best kind!
> I don't know if this was your intent, > but you've convinced me to stay, > at least for a little longer. I > can build my small section of the > web here.
That's danged good news for Midnight Pub!
And if you don't mind, could you please ramp up the insane, sleep deprived varietal of updates? ;-)
Sorry for the late reply, yesterday was very hectic, but of course I can ramp them up! Just wait for me to start on late night programming.
And I'm happy to help the pub grow, you've convinced me of its importance.