15/10/2021 (things i learnt)

IS SO GOOD HAHAH i know what i'll be spending a bunch on time on for the upcoming future

- Alita indonesian dub is nice to watch!

- I memorized certain scripts from Kisah Kaisara xD

- Programming with people with no experience can be quite frustrating... no sense of time and what should be done when what's more important, simple regression tests before pushing

- wow circuit 2 is super interesting and complicated :O

- OHHH I SEEEE. astable mode, monostable mode, bistable mode, types of 555 timer schematics

- xD they saw my 3D tinkercad vandalism

- SO F-ING HARD TO DEBUG CIRCUITS UGH, no documentation about how to use components? like in/out super simple examples... ughhhhh i was confused at stupid push buttons and potentiometers

- ricistr acting not good when trying too hard, doesn't convince me

- yuck there exists people who love cars "for the experience" and proudly announce it