< The First Fiction I've Written Since January



Thanks. I have this post-collapse science fantasy setting where nation-states have mostly fallen apart, aliens have been living among humanity for thousands of years, and soul-searching androids struggle against corruption and tyranny alongside swashbuckling sopranos when they aren't fighting demons from outer space.

It's what I get for playing too many JRPGs, listening to too much prog rock, and not smoking enough cannabis as a teenager.

I actually have more stories available on the smol net if you're interested, and have been serializing my last stalled project on smol.pub. :)

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~clinquant wrote (thread):

That sounds like a pretty complex setting with quite some thought into it, ripe for lots of stories.

Poking around your capsule/s now as I write! I think I'll start with the "short bites" on smol.pub. Sadly, my attention span and time to spend reading has dropped since I left high school :/