Something unbelievably surreal happened a few minutes ago. I was out on patio listening to music when I hear a distressed squeaking. Look over and my cat is playing with a shrew. Get in between cat and shrew and shrew first hid behind my foot looking out for the cat before climbing pant leg about a foot. After scare cat off akward waddle over beyond patio to grass and shake shrew off. It stays for a moment and looks at me. I get a sense of appreciation and friendliness. I then proceed to kneel down to shrew and lightly pet its back with my finger a few times. (take note to wash hands after) It accepts my gesture! I sit on steps and watch it a moment more before it goes. Tonight was wierd
11 months ago 路 馃憤 moddedbear, eph, sev, astroseneca, staticvoid, johano, kocka_collector, crusom, hyperlinkyourheart, cobradile94, adou2
the shrew hath been tamed, Shakespeare would approve 路 11 months ago
Now I will not confuse them with mice. Please kill only mice and rats.
And yes, I am definitely not a Jainist: gemini:// 路 11 months ago
that is rad AF 路 11 months ago
Tonight I am more than Smokey, tonight I am.... SHREW KNIGHT! Savior of mildly cute rodents. 路 11 months ago