Hi ~sloum!
this post is a reply to THIS post
I also love [proxy.vulpes.one]'s styling, though I wish it had a light color scheme. But hey, I'll take what I can get! I use [stylus] to make [portal.mozz.us] prettier to use, which isn't really ideal, I suppose.
I have to wait until Friday to make the pasta :'( I don't know if I can wait that long!!!
--- ~ ~ ~ ---
In other news
I recorded my last #audiomo for 2020 this morning on my way to work.
It's mostly just me vibing to the radio.
I actually haven't listened to it yet, so I don't know if you can even hear anything over the sound of the wind and all.
The morning was pretty uneventful.
- I got the Windows build of [Kristall] from xq and I've been testing it out ... it works great! I think it's going to be my Windows client from now on.
- I had red beans and rice for lunch. Dessert was cherries. Delicious.
- One of our patrons at the Career Center came in to fill out onboarding paperwork for his new job. So that was great news! I was so happy for him -- and it was like, my first patron who I'd seen all the way through searching for and finding a job, so I feel especially proud.
[Kristall -- WINDOWS EXE]
This afternoon, I just have a few things to do.
- I need to finish up the small business survey we're sending out. SurveyMonkey is pretty weird and awful.
- I am writing this post, though it's nearly done.
- I don't know if we're having sweet potato tacos or brunch for dinner for dinner. Either way, I'm prepared to prepare them.
- At some point I should hook up my computer and, you know, update bollux.
Tonight, I plan to crochet some more on my blanket and watch the next part of Matthew Posa's [adventure]. The good life, I call it.
[adventure -- YOUTUBE LINK]