Re: October 2020 5Q, Bronzie edition

questions here

1. If you had to live in one, Which Sci-Fi dystopia would you live in, and why?

Okay, so of these, I've only seen /Bladerunner/, which is right up my alley in terms of the punk-style, grungy grimey future. I really like the differences in visions of the future from different decades of film history (maybe I should, like, write a post on that sometime ... anyway).

However, I'm going to go /off list/ and state that the Sci-Fi dystopia I'd /really/ want to live in is ... /Fifth Element/. Mostly for the ramen carts that come straight to your window. And of course, Multipass.

[side note: I'm going to have to watch Demolition Man, it sounds really cool!]

2. You have access to a single-hop time machine that can jump you 60 years into the past or the future. There's a gun at your head and you must jump or perish. You can only travel once. 1960, 2080, or oblivion? Why?

2080 for sure. I really want a flying ramen cart at my window, and we know that didn't happen in 1960. Though ... I could make a lot of money if I went to 1960, maybe enough to invest in a flying personal ramen cart's invention. This is a tough choice.

3. Tomorrow you are launching on the first manned mission to Mars. You are about to be in for 36 months of rehydrated mush and vacuum-sealed nutritious shelf-stable goodness. What is your launch-eve dinner (anything you want)? Bonus points: describe it in a way that will make us want it too.

Well, shit. To stay on-brand for these answers, I'd have to say "ramen", wouldn't I? HOWEVER. Ramen is pretty dang shelf-stable, as any college student will tell you; it's also pretty light and I think it'd be a great candidate to take /on/ that trip to Mars (yes, I know: packet ramen is *NOTHING* like actual, delicious, made-in-front-of-you ramen, but whatever).

So my actual answer is, probably, a very fresh, very large salad. If I'm not going to get anything fresh for possibly /years/, I want it before I leave.

[side note: dang Bronzie, you epicurean you! tbh my 'last meal' would likely change depending on my mood at the time, and I'm sure I'd regret it heavily for the duration of my trip.]

4. Sponsors of the Mars trip have arranged 24/7 streaming of Fox News to your ship and habitat as your primary entertainment. In your private time you are allowed 15 minutes a day where you can listen to your own audio media. You can take 10 songs/tracks of up to 7.5 minutes in length each with you on your trip to Mars - what are they?

[side note: I am /loving/ this sci-fi dystopia theme you've got going, Bronzie! vv nice.]

I'd cheat a little bit and take the entirety of /In the Aeroplane Over the Sea/ by Neutral Milk Hotel with the tracks split so that they fit into the 10 songs limit, since realistically I get 75 minutes of tunes.

That, or Wilco's /Yankee Hotel Foxtrot/, similarly chopped. What can I say, I'm a full-album guy.

5. Tomorrow's headline: scientists prove definitively that we live in a computed simulation. What do you feel about this?

It feels real /to me/, so it doesn't really change anything. Besides, if you die in the game you die /in real life/.