๐Ÿ‘ฝ krixano

Future plans for AuraGem Music Updates:

The ability to change the tags (Title, Album, AlbumArist) of songs.

Possibly a "Jukebox" mode that offers an infinite stream of songs played from your library.

I'm also considering the idea of allowing musicians to publish their music to the capsule so that users can browse and add this music into their library. Let me know if anyone would find this interesting.

9 months ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ superfxchip, astroseneca, martin


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2 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ superfxchip

Bottom line is: I feel like if ENOUGH people really utilized that sorta feature for music artists that it could genuinely encourage an emerging net scene that could result in some interesting music and artists popping up, and in order to encourage this imma *try* and find as much musicians/music-aligned capsules here on on gem, hope they have a guestbook, and tell em all about your amazing page. ยท 9 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ superfxchip

i was thinkin' earlier somethin' i been meaning to write up for Gem (and in a way, for outside Gem) related to tryin' to bring more musicians to the venue of what's goin' on in Gem Space. Now that I see this, it strengthens my resolve, and I think I'll go ahead and write up what I'm thinkin' to put down. ยท 9 months ago