馃懡 anthrax

Does anyone know how to wget a phpBB forum including pages only available to registered users? The Yesterweb Forum is going down and I really want to try and archive it. I've tried a couple times but putting my login info into the command still locks me out of the user-only posts.

1 week ago


馃憢 Join Station

5 Replies

馃懡 nuclearum

I don't know if this is working, but try.

http://httrack.kauler.com/help/CatchURL_tutorial 路 1 day ago

馃懡 elektito

Sorry. Didn't mean to be cryptic. The cookie jar is simply the file in which the cookies are stored. In this case, cookies.txt. You also likely need to pass --keep-session-cookies. But crucially, that command only performs the login. You need to run the command again, with --load-cookies (passing the cookie file again), and -r (or --mirror), and probably a number of other options to fine tune how the recursive download should go. I suggest looking up the man page, or an online guide. I can't remember everything from memory, but I'm pretty sure it should be doable. Best of luck! 路 1 week ago

馃懡 anthrax

@elektito I'll be honest, I don't totally understand the question. I used the command "wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --post-data 'username=username&password=password' https://forum.yesterweb.org" using my login info which saved the site but wouldn't display the site as if I was logged in.

@mozz Yeah. I had my gripes, but it was a neat project. They already deleted the Discord, which bugs me because they had so many good resources there. 路 1 week ago

馃懡 elektito

How do you pass credentials? If you use the right cookie jar, you should be able to get to the user-only parts of the site fine. 路 1 week ago

馃懡 mozz

Man that鈥檚 sad, yesterweb is/was really cool little community :( 路 1 week ago