馃懡 mameko

As I checked out recently, I have at least 7 - 10 different mail addresses in use. To shrink that down I chose now an account at tutanota.com. Sounds to be very good in respecting privacy. Some addresses will be killed and made new at Tutanota. Also a good time to get ridd off many spam mails. I pay for this account and my "free mail" accounts will be closed in a time.

3 days ago


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11 Replies

馃懡 mameko

@falschdenker In several cases server from cockli was seized from the prosecution and the site was offline. This is nothing for me. I tried to get a riseup login, but this was denied a year ago. Disroot I don't know. I didn't need an account for activists or criminal things. I just needed a good new one, secure and privacy portected. I read reviews, and about the audit, and at the end they are as good as protonmail. I could not find bad things about them. 路 23 hours ago

馃懡 falschdenker

Disroot, riseup and cockli are my gotos. See https://digdeeper.neocities.org/articles/email

You might like to believe all the cool marketing phrases on their website, but you will be surprised by the reality. Just look at the privacy policy. Though it might be fine for you if you don't really care about it too much. It's definitely better than gmail atleast. 路 1 day ago

馃懡 mameko

@nuclearum Duck.com is really good with that. I use several provider, depending how sensible the mail is. Tutanota is now the "official" one. 路 1 day ago

馃懡 nuclearum

Add anonaddy or simplelogin for alias address (mail protection), duck.com is good too remove trackers pixels. 路 1 day ago

馃懡 gritty

@satch that's fair. I do own my own domain but don't host the mail server, it routes to protonmail. moving would only then be a pain of moving emails. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 mameko

@satch A good point. This is the reason why I have my own domain/mail address for "official" mails. If I change the mail provider, the mail address comes with me. For other people everything stays the same. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 satch

@gritty one reason why it鈥檚 important to have an email address on a domain that you own is that way you actually own your email address. Otherwise, whether you鈥檙e using protonmail, Tutanota, or Gmail, you are really just leasing someone else鈥檚 email.

They can remove your ability to use the address at any time. Similarly, if you want to switch email providers, then you have to get a new email address. Since it鈥檚 inconvenient to change one鈥檚 email address, this results in being sorta locked into a specific company, whether or not their service ends up being something you appreciate. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 mameko

@chime It seems, you don't know Tutanota so far, as your post shows. Tutanota is open source. The javascript is only from themselves. No tracking and full encryption, even the subject as well. The contacts and calendar are also encrypted. Even Tutanota does not know this data from you. In some countries in the US their service is forbidden. And here, where I live, are many, many people without gmail. Gmail is more a USA thing. In Germany most people uses other mail providers. And everything is a compromise between comfort and privacy. If you like to live in ancient time like the early www times, you live in a very poor world with some kind of paranoia. 路 3 days ago

馃懡 mameko

@gritty I was for many years on Mailbox.org. But they are not open source. Tutanota is open source and I like it more. 路 3 days ago

馃懡 gritty

I heard tutanota was good. I jumped on protonmail a while back and like it. I know there's some controversy with them but it's way better than the mainstream alternatives. that and my family would really be unhappy if I changed primary email address, yet again. 路 3 days ago

馃懡 chime_23

Housekeeping is always good, but what does "respecting privacy" mean with respect to email? Email is plain text. 95% of email is addressed to gmail.com, which means the Evil Ones have your IP, unless you bounce your mail through remailers who don't exist anymore. Tutanota is great... at forcing you to run javascript. I feel like every internet service is like a used condom you find in a park at night. Try as you might to wash it out and re-use it, it's weird. It's strange. It's gross. And it's wrong. But good luck! 路 3 days ago