๐Ÿ‘ฝ deerbard

Hi, my first log here. Don't know what took me so long. I think I was mainly focusing on how cool it is to sit in my own capsule and make it comfy in there. I want to ask if there are any psychologists here or people interested in psychology. I sometimes write about my guesses and inklings in the area of human psyche but not having any education in this matter. Just something that interests me.

11 months ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ krixano, tigercarnival, martin


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2 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ deerbard

@tigercarnival Mostly I'm starting from what plays a role in my life and try to explore both by mindful observation and reading/listening upon a topic. Trying to articulate in words my inklings. My capsule is helping me with that as I never properly trained writing. Helps to organized my chaotic thinking. ยท 11 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ tigercarnival

i'm interested in psychology but i'm not a psychologist or anything. it's also just something i think about and have interest in ^^ may i ask what interests you most? ยท 11 months ago