is it possible to generate a new client cert and merge it with an existing account here on station?
2 years ago 路 馃憤 johnstephens, cobradile94, syntheist
@martin 路 2 years ago
It would seem relatively simple to do what you describe, but then comes with a whole load of operations and questions regarding certificate management. You'd need to 'authorise' the new certificate somehow via the existing certificate. Does the new certificate have the same authority? Can I revoke a certificate? Does revocation require authorization? If so, from where? All certainly doable, I suspect it's well written code, but it becomes non-trivial quite quickly. 路 2 years ago
This would be a good feature if it isn't available already. I use Ariane on my phone which doesn't have support for importing existing identities yet, so it'd be awesome to be able to create a new one and link it to my account. 路 2 years ago
I鈥檓 curious about this too. 路 2 years ago