Some peole are comlaining that their TLS certificates expired, and asking what to do. The simplest thing is to ggenerate a new certificate using another nick. Secnd, if you really value your present nick you can ask @martin for help. Third, you can actually "extend" your certificate following the tutorial on the link I'll leave bellow, but if you're not familiar with keypairs perhaps you will not be able to do it. Here it is and good luck:
1 year ago 路 馃憤 mick_the_linux_geek, sk, nristen, rwa, lykso, martin
This *flexible* keyboard is really bad, and I type mostly without looking to the text... 路 1 year ago
@martin I only mentioned here because you had already said you were willing to help, of course. I cannot remember exactly what you wrote about this, but I think it had something to do with removinng the name from the db? No need to thank me at all. 路 1 year ago
Thanks @mc! Yes, until there's a better way, I'll happily help people. 路 1 year ago
I've done this to "extend" the cert of which expired yesterday. :) Actually it's pretty straigt forward. 路 1 year ago