👽 defunct

having looked at every gemlog on tilde.pink today, i realize that geminispace may as well be a computer science lecture. 95% male(-identifying), linux users, 30 +-10 years roughly. it's a funky demography. probably not accurate, either. it makes me wonder why being fed up with the www generally hits that demography harder than others

2 years ago · 👍 cobradile94


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8 Replies

👽 defunct

@kevinsan @sdfgeoff of course i don't just take tilde.pink as the sole resource. but one has to admit that many tech-related articles exist and of course the most vocal crowd will be those that provide things for gemini (servers, clients, etc). i just wanted to take it as an outliner for an argument. maybe text-based cli stuff really isn't appealing to the tinder-i-am-34-and-need-a-partner-and-kids crowd. guess it isn't · 2 years ago

👽 defunct

@marmeladefoo there's also blockquotes :p · 2 years ago

👽 marmaladefoo

It's telling that the one funky embedded content type that Gemini added to basic text and headings was monospaced text. That tells you all you need to know about how Gemini sees itself. · 2 years ago

👽 isoraqathedh

I'd characterise myself as the near tail-end of the transitional generation where someone is more interested in the internals of computing than using it in the object level (i.e. the systems /on/ a computer and not the computer itself). But surely an ocean between the programming hotbeds of the world and me would have made some difference. · 2 years ago

👽 marginalia

I think in part this demographic is the demographic that has spent the most time on the post-y2k Internet. Seen it's hayday and decline, as well as still remembering the Internet as it was. It's easy to forget, but it was weird to use the internet 20 years ago. It was something nerds did (and nerds weren't cool yet). The vast majority of Internet users today really haven't seen anything other than the commercialized Internet of the 2010s. · 2 years ago

👽 kevinsan

The last sentence in an article I just read made me think of your question. It was ' you think: “all of this abundance is making my place in line feel scarce”' · 2 years ago

👽 sdfgeoff

My guess is that many people are fed up with the internet by about the same amount, but only a certain sort of person is willing to look at "geeky" alternatives · 2 years ago

👽 kevinsan

You're drawing conclusions about geminispace based on tilde.pink demographics. Still an interesting question. My guess is that it relates to ASD M:F ratio, where people (like me!) get irked by bullshit, inconsistency, and noise. · 2 years ago